I had Vendredi Biats, Billy Bounce and Ceylor LAN in the CIC**.
Vendredi Biats did another super test, he got a little tight in the half 10m circle and is still perfecting his pirouettes but did some lovely solid work to score 44.2 and sat in 10th place out of over 90 starters.
Watch our test here:
He then jumped a brilliant clear in the show jumping to move up to 7th before the cross country.
Watch our round here:
The cross country was a tough, twisty and undulating track and Vendredi Biats made it feel extremely easy. He was very bold and jumped rather exuberantly into the quarry and did well to not crumple on landing. Other than that he was pretty much foot perfect and finished on his dressage score in 4th place.
Watch our round here:
Billy Bounce did what I and his owners thought was a great test and equally as good, if not better than at Nunney unfortunately the judges didn’t agree with us and he scored a 51.4 which was extremely disappointing.
He then jumped a brilliant if not keen and exuberant double clear. We decided not to run him cross country as the ground was on the firm side for him.
Ceylor LAN was having his last outing before Rio, after having a brilliant cross country school on the Thursday we never intended on jumping him at Barbury, but just went to have a run through a test. He was on great form and did a lovely relaxed test and is now hopefully perfectly prepped for Rio.