We had quite a lorry load at Portman with Argentinus, Alive and Bee Animas in the Novice and Mad About U, Ballinagore Black, Anxiom, Ceylor LAN and new ride Mo Cuiske all in the BE100.

Argentinus went really well and scored a 30 in the dressage and then produced a great double clear to finish 4th.

Alive scored a 27 and was much improved in her dressage. She to did a double clear and finished 3rd.

Bee Animas was a little tense in his test and scored 38.5, but he made up for it in the jumping phases and did a nice double clear.

Ceylor LAN was rather feisty after his win last time out. He was very cocky and full of himself all day!! He scored 36.5 in the dressage, then did a nice clear show jumping. He gave me a super ride cross country, but had a naughty run past the water to pick up 20 penalties.

Ballinagore Black was on fantastic form and did a lovely test to score 26.5 he then jumped a great double clear to finish 2nd. He finished on the same score as the winner, but we were further from the optimum time.

Anxiom was another superstar, he did a 26.5 and a great double clear to win his section, not bad for only his second ever event!!

Mad About U was another one feeling rather full of himself after his two good starts earlier this spring. He did a 32 dressage and then decided that the show jumping was far to small to bother with and had a very annoying two down. He mad up for it cross country though and gave me a great ride.

Mo Cuiske was doing his first ever BE event and went really well, he did a lovely test to score 27.5 then did a very mature double clear and finished 5th, which was a fabulous way to start his event career.

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