At my most local event I just had two rides, Creevagh Cooley in the Open Novice and Vendredi Biats in the BE100. 

Creevagh Cooley did a lovely test and scored a 31.5 which put her in third place, I was thrilled with her as she was up against far older and more experienced horses. 
She then jumped a lovely clear in the show jumping and found it all very easy. 
Although Beanie Sturgis had put in a huge amount of effort with the ground, even watering it, it still was quite firm. As Creevagh Cooley has bigger aims this summer I just took her steadily cross country. Even with her 13.2 time faults she still finished 8th. 
Vendredi Biats showed some lovely work in his test, but was a little cheeky at times. He scored a super 27, even with a few rather large bucks in it!! 
He then jumped a super clear in the show jumping and popped round the cross country extremely confiedently, again as it was firm I didn’t go very quickly, even so I was a little surprised to have picked up 11.6, due to this he finished just outside the top 10 in 11th. 

Vendredi Biats jumping exuberantly cross country. 

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