I only had Ceylor LAN and Persimmon at Gatcombe. Ceylor LAN was in the Open Intermediate. He did a very solid test with some fantastic canter work and scored a competitive 28.2.

He then jumped a fantastic clear in the show jumping. I was thrilled with his round as the ground was pretty muddy and sticky, but he coped really well in it. 

Ceylor LAN making the show jumping look like a pony club track. Photo courtesy of Smanatha Clark.

He then jumped a lovely clear cross country. We went rather sedately as the ground was gluey and he is a special young horse. Our time faults left is just outside the top ten. 

Ceylor LAN – photo courtesy of Dominic Ruane.

Persimmon was competing in the Advanced Intermediate, but as he had only run the week before at Lincoln we just did our dressage. He did a fantastic test to score 26.5. He did some lovely work, but still has things to improve on so it’s hugely exciting to score so well when I know we still haven’t reached his full potential.
Watch Persimmons test here:

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