At Gatcombe we had Alive doing the Novice, Persimmon doing the Intermediate and Bonne Amie doing the Open Intermediate.

Alive was a little fiesty in her test and had the wind up her tail, she did a slightly disappointing test compared to the one she did at Tweseldown and scored 34. She then jumped a lovely clear in the show jumping and was well in contention going into the cross country. She gave me a lovely ride but had an annoying 20 penalties coming out the water after she misread the question which was a real shame.
watch some of our cross country by following this link:



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  Alive – courtesy of

Bonne Amie did another good test to score 30.5 and really is improving all the time. She jumped a lovely clear in the show jumping and after a bit change from Lincoln she gave me a much improved ride across country, we did however pick up a silly 20 penalties after she listened to me and the bit too much, so we are going to have another rethink. Watch some of our cross country by following this link:

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                                                                          Bonne Amie
Persimmon was the star of the weekend and won his Intermediate section. He did a lovely test with a few baby mistakes to score 31.8. He then jumped an immaculate double clear and gave me a great ride in both phase to win at only his second time at this level. He has now upgraded to advanced which at only 7 is a fantastic achievement. Watch our dressage by following this link:
Watch our cross country here:
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    Persimmon – courtesy of Lulu Kyriacou Media and Photography
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Persimmon – courtesy of Lulu Kyriacou Media and Photography

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