I had Very Special Z in the Open Novice and Vendredi Biats and Acis in the Novice.

Very Special Z did a super test and scored a leading mark of 25.3
Watch our test here:

By the time we show jumped it had got pretty muddy and disgusting, but he coped extremely well with the testing ground and jumped a lovely clear. 
Watch our round here:

He jumped a lovely clear round the cross country but we just went slowly as the ground had got very deep. 
Acis was doing his first Novice and did a fantastic test. He coped with the more technical test really well and scored a top mark of 27.3. 
Watch our test here:

He found the ground a little testing in the show jumping and lost a little balance, but jumped very well and tried really hard. He was unlucky to have one down when he got a little stuck in the mud. 
Watch our round here:

I didn’t run him cross country as I felt the ground had deteriorated a lot and as it was his first run at this level I wanted to have a nice experience. 
Vendredi Biats did some lovely work in his test but got a little stuck in the mud at one point and broke into canter. He scored a 31.5
Watch our test here:

He jumped a super clear in the show jumping and coped very well with the tricky ground. 
Watch our round here:

Like with Acis I decided against running cross country due to the ground. 

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