I took Mo Cuiske and Persimmon up to Lincoln to do the Open Intermediate. 

Mo Cuiske did a lovely solid performance in his dressage and felt very secure and confident, he scored a 31.4 which left us in a competitive position. He jumped a great round in the show jumping and was incredably unlucky to have a fence down. He made up for it though with a wonderful clear cross country, it was a tough intermediate track and although he doesn’t have a lot of intermediate mileage he made it feel easy. I didn’t push him for the time and he finished 9th in a very competitive section. 

Photo courtesy of Kev Blackband. Mo Cuiske cruising round the cross country. 

Persimmon was on great form again and did another lovely test, he is getting stronger all the time and seems to be getting better and better. He scored a very competitive 27.7. After not enjoying the mud at Oasby he loved the ground at Lincoln and pinged round the show jumping posting a lovely clear. I let the hand break off a little compared to Oasby on the cross country and he cruised round the course making it feel very easy. We picked up a few time faults which left us in 6th place. 

Photo courtesy of Alex Colquhoun. Persimmon flying the last at Lincoln. 

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