I just had two BE100’s at Pontispool, Killossery Karisma and new ride Vendredi Biats. 

After only having Vendredi Biats for a week I was thrilled to bits with his performance in the 5 year old qualifier. He has been beautifully started by Lucy Wiegersma and Padraig McCarthy. 
He did a lovely test and didn’t get at all tense. He was a little green in his canter transitions but scored a super 23.5. 
He then jumped a brilliant clear in the show jumping and although green gave me a  super ride round the cross country. As it was rather wet and he is so young we just went steadily cross country and picked up a couple of time faults. This was still good enough for 3rd place. I was thrilled with our first competition together and feel we have a lot of positives to build on. 
Killossery Karisma did he usual lovely test so I was a little disspointed with his mark of 34.5. 
He then warmed up beautifully for the show jumping but when he went in the ring he unfortunately managed to get his tounge over the bit! This resulted in us having two down as I couldn’t touch his mouth without him becoming upset as his tounge was in the wrong place. 
As we weren’t in a very competitive place and went cross country in a torrential downpour I didn’t push him for the time and cantered round. He have me a lovely ride, he now heads back to owners and will be campaigned by Kevin Mcnab as he is more locally to his owners. I wish them the best of luck with their lovely young horse. 

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