I just had Zidante out in France, which was very nearly a fantastic trip! She was a star in her test and really strutted her stuff. She scored 41.8 and led the very competitive class. Watch our test here:
She was amazing cross country round a very twisty and technical track. There were a lot of drops to corners and skinnys, tricky angles and interesting questions. She made mince meat of the track, finding it all very easy and was as straight as an arrow at all the accuracy questions. We were on target to make the time and retain our dressage lead. Unfortunately this wasn’t to be and we had a very annoying, uncharacteristic fall at the last. She pecked on landing and that was the end of our Saumur dream. Both she and I were fine except both having a bit of French sand up our noses and in our ears!!
You should be able to watch our round as well as the rest of the class by following this link. We are about 1hour and 56minutes in. Or follow the YouTube link to watch our cross country.
I am devastated for her, her owners and my fabulous support team. She really didn’t deserve the fall as she had tried her heart out for me and really should have finished in the lead. Show jumping day is always another day, but she is very careful and consistent in this phase so I would like to think she would have jumped well. I was however thrilled for Bill Levett though, if anyone could take advantage of our mishap I was glad Bill could!