At Somerley I had Mad About U, Ceylor LAN and new ride Argentinus doing the BE100, Alive doing the Novice and Zidante doing the CIC**.
Mad About U did a lovely test to score 28, he is very grown up and mature in the arena for his age. He then jumped a smashing double clear and finished 4th. He would have won, but I picked up 4 time faults for going too fast, oops!! It was a lovely galloping track and I really didn’t feel like we were going that quickly.
Argentinus did a nice test to score 32, he was a little jolly to be out at a party but managed to contain himself. He then had one down as he found it all a little small, but was great cross country. As he was running HC we didn’t pick up a placing.
Ceylor LAN did a 27.5 in his dressage and lead his section, he didn’t put a foot wrong and was really concentrating on me in the arena. He then jumped a lovely double clear, feeling very mature and confident. I learnt from my mistake with Mad About U and went a little slower cross country, so we finished inside the time and won the section well.
Alive was more settled in her dressage than at Gatcombe and scored a 32. She then put in a foot perfect display of jumping in both phase and finished 5th in her section.
Zidante was the superstar of the week, she lead the CIC** from start to finish. She did an immaculate test to score 36.7 her best score at this level to date. She then did a fantastic clear show jumping and cross country to finish on her dressage score to win the class!!