I had Persimmon and Zidante doing the Advanced and both were fantastic.

 Persimmon was only doing his second Advanced and felt fab, he did a lovely test with only few green mistakes to score 29.5 to sit in second place. He then jumped a super clear round a big track in the show jumping and felt fabulous round the cross country. We picked up a few time faults as he is still green at this level and I wanted him to have a confident giving round. All this was good enough for him to finish 2nd.

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                                                 Photo – Courtesy of Dominic Ruane

                                                Photo courtesy of Fiona Scott-Maxwell

Zidante was a super star again, she did a good test to score 31.2, she broke in her first medium trot which was unlike her and was a bit of a shame, but I was pleased with the rest of her test. She then jumped her socks off in the show jumping and felt brilliant cross country, she added just a handful of time faults to her dressage score to win her section convincingly. I couldn’t have been more pleased with both the horses and how they went, I feel very lucky to have such wonderful young horses to produce up through the grades.

                                                  Photo courtesy of Fiona Scott-Maxwell

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                                                      Photo courtesy of Dominic Ruane

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